female improvisors
Episode 12 – The Home Front
The Home Front (formerly “Holding”) is a long form show developed in Canberra by Catherine Crowley and Heidi Silberman, about the lives of the women holding the home front in WWI. Cathy and Heidi talk about: the development of the show; drawing on research and historical materials; paying respect to the characters; and their plans […]
Episode 8 – Pink Ladies interview
Not so much an interview, but a group chat with Pink Ladies. While I did have a quite structured list of questions, and had only planned to raise gender at a certain point, it seems you just can’t ignore what is still unfortunately the elephant in the room, and thus the issue of it being […]
Episode 6 – Lisa Ricketts interview
Our interview with Lisa Ricketts, a professional improvisor and one of Sydney’s favourite players, chatting about how to get cast in the Sydney scene (kind of), female improvisors, Explosive Minds, improv festivals, growing balls, and breaking into the U.S. You can visit Lisa’s blog at Improv Bootcamp. Excuse the odd wind effect, I left my […]